Tag Archives: John Cooper Clarke

Meet Stephen Watt, our 2014 Digital Slam Winner

19 Aug

We are handing this blog space over to the winner of this year’s Digital Slam, Stephen Watt from Dumbarton. Check out his winning StAnza Digital Slam performance at https://stanzapoetry.wordpress.com/2014/08/12/2014-stanza-digital-slam-results/.

In this post, Stephen tells us a little about his background, his favourite poets and what he’s doing performance wise in the lively poetry and spoken work scene.

GigsSocial realism, punk, story-telling, romance, and nostalgia; in a way, these are the things which drive me. If I could write something as masterly as (Carol Ann) Duffy’s “Queen Kong” or as spirited as (John) Cooper-Clarke’s “Beasley Street”, then I would plant a flag in it and begin my own niche.

I am from Dumbarton, on the outskirts of Glasgow. At the age of 19, I began writing poetry into a little notebook after listening to a bin lorry roll down my parent’s street. Within six months, I had been assaulted by drug addicts on two occasions – once with a needle held to my face, the other with a knife pressed into my neck. My counsellor advised that the writing was an excellent form of therapy, and so I continued to write a number of poems around this time. As a very shy and quiet child, it was an easy thing for me to spend time alone with my own thoughts, writing, dreaming, thinking….. Quite often using music to influence my mood, whilst listening to the wistful lyrics of Ian Dury, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Mark E Smith and Seething Wells to list a few.

My grandfather had been a poet, writing a book of personal love poems to my grandmother in 1937. I never knew this until my mum alerted me to the fact this book existed – and was written when he was 19 – the same age that I had began writing. It was then I slowly began to come out of my shell. I would watch people around Dumbarton and Glasgow, exaggerating their characters to fill taboo subjects such as brothels, rent boys, domestic violence, etc. Small press magazines across the UK published a number of my poems about these subjects. Having gained confidence during my twenties from this relative success, and with an exceptional circle of friends supporting my writing, I ventured into the literary / spoken word scene in Glasgow in 2010 – nearly a full decade after I had first began scribbling down my thoughts. Since then, things really lifted off. I travelled to Peterborough in 2011 to beat 8,000 entrants by winning the Poetry Rivals Slam, earning a one book publishing contract with Bonacia Ltd, and releasing my debut collection “Spit” one year later. Further awards both on page and stage have been achieved over the last two years but perhaps the greatest satisfaction of all is the number of inspiring, exciting, and inventive poets emerging from Scotland, encompassing all ages and creeds, seemingly all at the same time. It is something I enjoy being part of enormously, and challenges the old caveat that poetry is a one person game.

I have just finished performing at a number of magazine launches and festivals across the country, but should anyone wish to follow me or keep an eye on what happens next, then they can find my ‘Spit’ poetry pages on Facebook and Twitter at:


Special 2 for 1 ticket offer: John Cooper Clarke

14 Oct

Legendary “Punk Poet” John Cooper Clarke is set to play the HMV Picture
House Edinburgh on Friday 28th October 2011.

His biting, satirical, political and very funny verse, delivered in his
rapid-fire performance style, made him a figurehead for the Punk movement in
the 70s and 80s and his influence is clear in the songs of bands like the
Arctic Monkeys, Reverend and The Makers and Plan B. Now he is back performing
again and his Edinburgh show will be an unmissable experience for fans old and
new. Find out more about him here: www.johncooperclarke.com

StAnza supporters and followers have the chance to buy two tickets
for the price of one., All you need to do is click on the link below to order
the tickets and use the code word ‘edinburgh’


Tickets are subject to availability.