2014 StAnza Digital Slam Results!

12 Aug
StAnza 2014 Slam, photo by Helena Fornells Nadal

StAnza 2014 Slam, photo by Helena Fornells Nadal

Thanks again to everyone who took part and/or voted in our 2014 Digital Slam, and to this year’s partner, the Badilisha Poetry Exchange. It was a strong shortlist and we received a record number of votes. These have now been counted etc, and we can announce:

In third place: Ama Asantewa Diaka

In second place: Batsirai Chigama

And the WINNER of our 2014 Digital Slam is: Stephen Watt

Congratulations to Stephen! Look out for a special blog about him in a week or so. In the meantime, here’s the winning performance:

4. Stephen Watt (Dumbarton)

And if this has whetted your appetite for slam, don’t forget the heats of this year’s BBC Edinburgh Slam at the Fringe, in which StAnza’s Eleanor Livingstone is again a judge, are currently taking place every evening until Thursday at 8.15pm in the Pink Bubble at Potterrow. The final is at 8.00pm for 8.30pm on Saturday in the Blue Bubble. It’s all free but the Saturday final is free-but-ticketed (see link below). In last night’s first heat, the finalist were Amanda Baker, StAnza 2014 Digital Slam finalist Chris Young and Miko Berry. Amanda Baker was the winner and she’ll go forward to Saturday’s final, which we understand will be live streamed for those who can’t get there non-virtually.


One Response to “2014 StAnza Digital Slam Results!”

  1. yvonnemarjot August 15, 2014 at 5:34 pm #

    Reblogged this on The Knitted Curiosity Cabinet and commented:
    Listen to the winner of the StAnza blog poetry slam, Stephen Watt. A cracking poem.

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